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Scoring System

  1. Scoring System is computed as follow:

    1. Maximum 100 points to be awarded in each contest category respectively. Public votes in the form of “Facebook Likes” on the contest’s official Facebook event page account for 60% (i.e. Maximum 60 points); and judge assessment account for 40% (i.e. Maximum 40points) for each and every category of the contest. Points awarded to each rank in respective contest categories are shown in the Scoring System Table;

    2. Winner of each category will be determined by aggregated points from both public votes and judge assessment of that particular category;

    3. Under same scoring system, participants from Creative Video category who rank at 2nd to 11th places will be awarded consolation prizes.

Live Stream Judging Criteria

Points are awarded according to the following three criteria related to the production of the constituent elements and related to the theme:

  1. Level of effort in overlays

    • Evaluated by the overall livestream look (inclusive of overlay, relevant of content and the process).

  2. Live Stream quality

    • Evaluated by the camera quality & content quality

  3. Appearance

    • Evaluated by how they present themselves in the stream (etc Costume or relevant product placement)


Anime Life​ Judging Criteria

Points are awarded according to the following three criteria related to the production of the constituent elements that express the character (costumes, hand props, etc.):

  1. Level of precision in the costumes

    • Evaluated by comparing the actual costumes with the design of the costumes in the original work. If the actual costumes are completely identical to the costumes in the original work,

  2. Costume Quality

    • Evaluated according to multiple factors, such as how well the costume is combined, how well it suits the contestant, how beautifully it is designed/sewn, etc. 

  3. Photo quality and Theme relevance

    • Background and scenery used

    • Quality of the edit and photos

    • Theme relevance

Comic Judging Criteria

Points are awarded according to the following three criteria related to the production of the art and content:


  1. Level of creativity of the comic/art

    • Evaluated by the creativity with the design of the artwork and the originality of the work.

  2. Comic/Art work Quality

    • Evaluated by the overall artwork quality, detail of the drawing and the overall effort

  3. Content Relevance to the theme

    • Theme relevance

    • Story line



Creative Video Judging Criteria

Points are awarded according to the following two criteria related to the production of the constituent elements and related to the theme:

  1. Creativity

    • Evaluated by the creativity of the video, Message clarity and relevance

  2. Video quality

    • Evaluated by the video quality & content quality


Scoring System Table-1.png
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